Tips on Making Your Hotel Renovation a Success

Hotels are profitable businesses. However, they can only stay profitable if they can compete with others in the marketplace. This means being able to offer top-quality services and being in top condition. The problem is that hotels experience wear-and-tear over time as thousands of guests tramp through the establishment. Additionally, tastes and times change, and the hotel’s current décor and facilities may not be what its guests want.

This is where renovations come in. It is a difficult project though, and it is easy to make a mistake with it. This is why you will want to take note of the following tips on how to ensure your renovation is a success.

Advanced Planning is Key

When you’re thinking of renovating your hotel, you’ll need to plan. This isn’t just a few weeks. You might need to plan your renovation years ahead of the actual construction. This is because there are a lot of factors that will need to be touched upon before even one labourer even touches your hotel.

One of the things you will have to consider is scheduling. Your hotel is a business, and a renovation will involve a closure of the hotel, even just partially. This means that you will be losing money. It is in your best interests to ensure that your renovation is done as quickly as possible. This means doing all of the planning beforehand so that all that you need is the actual construction.

Communicate With the Renovation Team

You will also need to have a solid line of communication with the people on your renovation team. This ensures that your specific desires are met. For example, you want a commercial WC on every floor and a private bathroom in every suite. Your team may decide to go with the private bathroom alone. You don’t want miscommunications like that to happen.

Additionally, communication should also extend to during construction. You will want regular updates to ensure that your renovation is on time and under budget.

Aim for Timeless Styles

One of the mistakes that you can make when doing a hotel renovation is being too Avante-garde when it comes to décor and styles. Timeless styles work better and age a lot slower than trying to be on the cutting-edge of design. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to be innovative. You need to aim for comfort and familiarity while putting the unique touches as an added feature.

Inform the World

Receptionist giving tourist information to hotel guests upon arrival

Your renovations would be worth nothing if your potential customers don’t know about it. You will want to take pictures of the development and the final results so that you can inform potential guests on what they can expect from a stay with your hotel. You can start a promotion to start filling up the rooms as soon as they’re available.

Ready to Compete

A renovation is a regular part of a hotel’s life cycle. If you do it properly, you will revitalize your hotel and get back customers. The above tips should help significantly in guiding you on how to do it right and how to avoid any mistakes.

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