Dental implants a tooth replacement solution

Having a tooth knocked out due to an accident or losing teeth because of periodontal disease are not uncommon. There are different types of tooth replacement options available, dentures bridges and implants. Because people are living longer, dentists find that they are being confronted more and more with teeth that have been ground down through wear and tear over the years. The increasingly high success rate achieved by dental implants Herefordshire means that they are no longer considered to be a second option, but rather the first option depending on the patient. Preserving the jawbone and encouraging regeneration have meant that removing an ailing tooth sooner rather than later has become a priority. This enables the bone to heal and an implant placed in a more stable structure than would be the case if the compromised tooth was removed later.

Advancements bring enhancements

Technology has brought about new more flexible and versatile implants which makes them more adaptable. A one-piece design has its place, but a two-piece has shown to be the more favoured option over time. The desire to make implants more long lasting has resulted in better quality materials being used. The use of internal connections is more desirable because they are more stable and allow greater, deeper segment interlocking. A move to smoother surfaces has also reduced the amount of bacterial build-up that used to occur on the rougher surfaces.

old lady an a dentist

Can anyone have a dental implant?

Age plays an important factor in determining who can and should have a dental implant. The age of eighteen is universally agreed the time at which this type of treatment may start to be administered. There are many considerations that have to be factored in before a dentist will make a decision whether or not to place an implant in an eighteen year old. The main problem is that if the patient is still displaying signs of growth it is not recommended to use implant treatment. It would be better to apply another option until such time as the patient has stopped growing. Growth after having an implant can result in treatment failure which is far from ideal. The ideal age ranges from around thirty onwards where results show that the treatment is effective and long lasting. Other than age the normal considerations are the status of the jawbone and whether it can support an implant. There are solutions to this if it is found that the jawbone does not have sufficient structure to provide the support required. Bone grafts have shown to be successful in correcting this problem. Healthy gums are also a necessary requirement, but again treatment can correct this issue.

Does a dental implant look real?

Technology has advanced to a level where it is not possible to easily identify an implant and the shape, appearance and colour can now be matched so exactly that they appear to be as natural as a patient’s real teeth. As well as providing a stable platform to chew, a patient’s facial integrity is maintained because the jawbone structure has been retained. A smile with implants is as real as a smile with normal teeth, providing patients with confidence and enhancing their self-esteem.

Maintenance and care

All that is left is for a patient to maintain a regular and careful oral hygiene regime to maintain their teeth, gums and implants. An implant should be looked after in the same way as a person’s natural teeth are looked after, by regular brushing and routine dental visits.

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