Turning Your House into Your Temple: How Your Home Can Soothe Your Soul

Your home is the only sanctuary that’s genuinely yours. If you find yourself feeling forlorn most days, then perhaps it’s time to stop blaming how you are living and look at where you are living instead.

The change you need to do can be subtle or drastic. You might need the consult interior designers and professional builders. If you’re from Melbourne, window and door suppliers can help you choose the right materials for your space. It can also be a matter of merely rearranging and renovating your room’s organization.

Follow these transformation strategies, and you’re on your way to a more mindful living quarters.

Let the light fill every room

Filling your room with light involves two things: accessibility and reflectivity. Painting your entire room white isn’t cutting to the chase. Painters also consider what they call Light Reflectance Value, or LRV. It defines how much light is reflected off a surface based on which shade of white to black it is and how much gloss it has. Thus, you will not only want to paint your walls white but to give it enough gloss.

To add more light, you could also make your rooms more accessible. Consider renovating your windows and doors based on how your mood fluctuates during the day. You can make them face east or west depending on the sun’s direction or install fanlights.

Accept aromatherapy into your life

Aromatherapy has been around since air fresheners and fragrance cans became a supermarket staple. Newer and more enduring forms of aromatherapy include scented candles, essential oils, and even incenses.

Aromatherapy experts even claim that certain scents can trigger the recovery or improvement of individual senses. The smell of jasmine or lavender can supposedly improve memory, while a waft of sage or cypress can ease your sorrows.

Where you put them around your home matters as well. You can match the scent’s effect with what you do the most in a particular room. Diffuse camphor around your bedroom to relieve fatigue or chamomile in the kitchen to keep yourself calm while doing chores.

Remember: simplicity is key

Minimalist living is a myth if you’re living with other people or you’re too busy to keep your things at a minimum. However, a clean and simple lifestyle is doable by anyone. Clean up any clutter. Throw out or donate anything you haven’t used for the past six months. Get rid of redundant objects. Set a regular schedule for general cleaning sessions.

Avoid hoarding as much as possible; having way too many stuff also means having way too many things to maintain, organize, and remember. Your mind deserves less stress. In this case, achieving outer order is achieving inner peace.

Seek the help of Mother Nature

If you’ve never considered plants as a potent stress reliever, the best chance is now. Just like aromatherapy, indoor plants also vary in effect. Snake plants, for example, are excellent air purifiers, while California poppies improve your quality of sleep. The most popular indoor plants thrive in low-light conditions, require little to no tending, and can absorb harmful toxins in the air.

However, having pets or small children might hamper this. If you can’t bring the plants inside, then maybe you should have them outside. Build a small garden with low-maintenance shrubs and ferns like magnolias, lavenders, and periwinkles.

You could be renting an apartment or living in an ample house in the suburbs. Either way, your living space should be able to soothe your weary soul the minute you step through the door.

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